Леоганг Зальфельден шале

Шале Julisam, Леоганг ЗальфельденVerified

10 Гостей · 5 Спальные комнаты · 1000 кв. м. · Леоганг Зальфельден · Австрия
Это описание было автоматически переведено с английского и может быть не совсем точным.

Julisam is much more than just an ultra-luxurious vacation home: It is an experience that you and your family will never forget.

Unique design with pool, fitness room, movie theatre and 3 indoor and outdoor playgrounds.

Julisam and the vast space ...

Nothing could ever prepare you for the pulse-quickening experience when you will see for the first time the duo of buildings that make up Julisam – perched high above the idyllic mountain pastures, where the narrow mountain road widens and the view couldn’t be any more beautiful.

Then, when you enter the generous living room of the main house with its breathtaking view from the almost five-meter tall windows from ceiling to floor, it seems that this room hovers over the valley floor like an eagle’s nest, and you take a deeper breath, your chest broadens, and the indescribable feeling of complete relaxation descends upon you and you know in that moment, beyond any doubt, that you have arrived for what will be your dream vacation ...

5 sound-insulated bedrooms, a huge living room with a grand piano with self-playing option and a professionally equipped kitchen, a 14-meter pool, a fitness room with indoor rock-climbing wall, a home theater with a 3.6-meter screen, a delightful indoor playroom and 5 garage spaces: Everything is generous, bright and spacious:

Julisam is much more than just an ultra-luxurious vacation home: It is an experience that you and your family will never forget.

The chalet has a residential area of about 1,000 square meters.

If you need even more space, we can additionally offer you the guest house, which is just a few steps away and features another 10 beds as well as a generously sized living room, dining room and kitchen: The Estate.

Julisam for children.

Maybe you want to come with your family and bring your children. We can only recommend it and would be pleased to welcome them: Your kids are going to love it! After all, Julisam was built by a family with three generations and 4 children.

This is the reason Julisam is a paradise for families with kids: The experience begins during the elevator ride from the garage to the house: You will be traveling past an interactive virtual alpine landscape with mooing cows and chirping marmots: The ladybug buzzing through the image makes cute sounds when you tap on it...

The attractions continue on the next floor: The pool is equipped with a great variety of water toys, and you can jump through water fountains from floor-based nozzles or play with the fish in the virtual aquarium.

Behind the pool is the fitness room, which also facilitates adventures for kids: The rock-climbing wall also includes two tracks for children where even your youngest can practice climbing. If you slip, your fall is softened by a foam mat with a thickness of 40 cm.

Also located on this floor is the lavishly appointed home theater where you can do much more than watch the latest Disney movies, since it also includes a PlayStation that provides fun entertainment on the 3.6-meter screen.

Let’s continue our elevator ride to the next floor: Opposite the bedrooms, which can be furnished appropriately for children, a children’s play paradise awaits. Charmingly crafted by a playground builder, this indoor wonderland includes secret tunnels, a ball pool, a children’s play store and – no surprise here! – another PlayStation with a large screen.

On the top floor, the entry door opens up to one of the two outdoor playgrounds with a large competition trampoline, a swing set and a sandbox.

The second playground is located 40 meters below, lined with a natural stone wall and a hedge of alpine roses: This playground features a small soccer pitch with artificial grass, a fountain and a long slide through the romantic garden landscape.

Needless to say, the children's adventures won’t stop at Julisam’s property boundaries: There are multilingual ski instructors, charming child care professionals for when the parents wish to visit one of the 5 star-rated restaurants in the area, not to mention other attractions such as pony rides, climbing gardens, petting zoos, summer sledding, etc.: All the things that make your kids happy. Your concierge knows all of them.

Julisam and the design
From a distance, you will sense at once that Julisam is special and unique as masterfully expressed in terms of architecture and design:

Naturally rough, almost white and lightly shimmering alpine marble rich in crystal and quartz from nearby Rauris gives the facade its distinctive look that characterizes Julisam’s exterior presentation. Spectacularly bright and elegant, with an aura of glamour and abundant joie de vivre, the facade just radiates light in a variety of ways depending upon the position of the sun.

Architecture and design are alpine in style, yet different:

The light, the view, the regionally sourced construction materials and the service providers with their strong sense of quality: Nowhere else will you feel closer to the Austrian Alps than here, despite the fact that – or maybe because – Julisam feels and looks so different from the very masculine classic alpine buildings with their small windows and dark wood.

A touch of glamour is also imparted by the shiny lacquer of the grand piano or the shimmering stainless steel of the pool table, continuing in the gleaming Sicis mosaic tile in the bathrooms or the first-quality bathroom fixtures by Graff.

Цены и доступность Связаться с управляющим


Еда и Напитки


You are our guest, so we will treat you like royalty. For everything we organize for you, we focus on your wishes exclusively.

That’s why Julisam offers not only self-catering or full service but everything in between and beyond.

You may feel like enjoying the luxurious experience of Julisam all by yourself, with your family or your friends, cooking your own meals in complete peace and privacy and only having groceries delivered.

Perhaps you would prefer the chef, the chauffeur and the housekeeper in order to have the freedom to completely let go, without having to do anything – except to relax. Plus a massage therapist and a personal trainer?

Then again, you might just have a completely individualized solution in mind. For example, a dinner menu with multiple courses only on Sunday, accompanied by a chamber music trio around the grand piano at the house, as a diversion from the beautiful peace and quiet of your mountain retreat?

Alternatively, we would also be happy to book a table for you in one of the region’s many top restaurants, drive you there and pick you up again. Or we can take you to an event in Kitzbühel or Salzburg.

Daniel is your go-to who fulfills all these promises. He is available as a concierge, coach and organizer during your stay. He amassed an extensive network of professionals and service providers that includes personal trainers, therapists, chefs, musicians, etc. as well as event and excursion organizers who will be happy e.g. to take you to lunch in Venice by helicopter after you had breakfast on the patio in Leogang ...

These and other possibilities can open the door to making your vacation experience unforgettable.

Это описание было автоматически переведено с английского и может быть не совсем точным.


  • 1 Комната
    Двуспальная кровать
  • 2 Комната
    Двуспальная кровать
  • 3 Комната
    Двуспальная кровать
  • 4 Комната
    Двуспальная кровать
  • 5 Комната
    Двуспальная кровать
Гости 10
Спальные комнаты 5
Ванные комнаты 9
Жилая площадь 1000

Цены и календарь

Возможно тарифы на новый сезон доступны по запросу.

Свяжитесь с управляющим шале чтобы получить расчёт.

Все цены указаны в Евро. Даты фиксированные. Календарь был обновлен 1 year ago.

  • - 5 спальных комнаты
  • - Сдаётся летом
  • - SPA зона
  • - Джакузи на улице
  • - Крытый бассейн
  • - Джакузи внутри шале
  • - Сауна
  • - Кинозал
  • - Игровая комната
  • - Бильярд
  • - Игровая приставка
  • - Сетерео система
  • - Тренажерный зал
  • - Электрокамин с парогенератором
  • - TV
  • - Wi-Fi
  • - Балкон
  • - Терраса
  • - Лифт
  • - Лыжная комната
  • - Парковка

  • - Личный водитель с автомобилем
  • - Ежедневный завтрак
  • - Ужин 6 вечеров из 7
  • - Подобранное столовое вино
  • - Продукты и напитки оплачиваются отдельно
  • - Консьерж
  • - Личный шеф-повар
  • - Butler service
  • - Горничная
  • - Приветственный набор
  • - Постельное бельё и полотенца
  • - Ежедневная уборка
  • - Уборка в конце пребывания

Леоганг Зальфельден, Австрия

400-800 m
Центр Леоганг Зальфельден
800-1000 m
Salzburg Аэропорт
70 km

When rented catered, chauffeur service in regional area from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Schanteilift – 0.8 km
Krallerhof lift – 2 km
Steinbergbahn I – 2.1 km
Riederfeldlift – 3.1 km

Whatever you wish for in an alpine vacation: With Julisam, you have reached your destination.

You are at the center of a gigantic winter and summer sports arena (depending on the definition, maybe the world’s largest one); you are at the center of a wonderful natural and cultural environment; you are vacationing at the center of a region with romantic old towns, in the midst of sensational sports and cultural events; and even for a shopping vacation you have come to the right place.

With the SuperSkiCard, Julisam is located at the center of a skiing area with 2,700 kilometers of slopes!

From “Kitzbüheler Streif” over the deep-snow pistes near Fieberbrunn, from Saalbach/Hinterglemm to the more than 3,000-meter Mount Kitzsteinhorn near Zell am See: During your vacation, you couldn’t come close to exhausting the possibilities of this gigantic ski area if you tried.

If you are an excellent skier with great stamina looking for an interesting challenge, try this one: On any day in Leogang and surroundings, you can cover 12,400 meters of cumulative elevation gain and 65 slope kilometers in seven hours without ever using the same lift twice ...

With 2 cableways to the Asitz mountain, Leogang offers you the ideal start into this huge area. Since the Asitz valley run is north-facing, you can be assured that you can ski or snowboard all the way back to town in any and all snow conditions.Это описание было автоматически переведено с английского и может быть не совсем точным.

• • •
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